ACN Guest Blogging Guidelines

ACN envisions a world where all organizations doing social impact work have the external expertise they need to fulfill their missions. On our blog members contribute to our mission by presenting tips or news for social-impact volunteers and staff.

General blog guidelines:

Successful posts offer knowledge, inspiration and insight as well as actionable takeaways. See guidelines below and please submit accordingly! 

  • Aim for 400 - 1000 words
  • Do link to external sources and please cite all data, quotations, etc. 
  • Offer specific steps or actionable advice that helps our audience solve a problem or achieve a goal
  • Provide thought leadership that highlights your expertise—avoid directly promoting your services
  • Content should not have been previously posted, although you are welcome to re-post to your own site or submit elsewhere after we run your piece
  • Blogs will only be accepted from current ACN members
  • Should be publish-ready, but we will do a light edit; we reserve the right to ask you to revise or reject pieces that we don’t feel serve our audience

How to submit your post:

Share your knowledge and help us build an online audience to market our collective expertise. To submit, please include:

  • Your idea or pitch or full post as a Google or Word Doc
  • Short author bio, 50 words max, link to your ACN profile and/or website
  • Square Headshot (min. 350 px)
  • An additional graphic or photo you’d like to illustrate your piece if possible

Please send submissions or questions to ACN Blog Editor Allison Wong,

Thank you for contributing!

The Association of Consultants to Nonprofits | 400 E. Randolph St., #3115 | Chicago, IL 60601

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