From Covering Politics to Helping Nonprofits: An Insider's Look at Winning Communications
November 12, 2020
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Please be our guest for a session promising to be both informative and fun: "From Covering Politics to Helping Nonprofits: An Insider's Look at Winning Communications."
Our speaker is Ben Feller, the former Chief White House Correspondent during the Bush and Obama presidencies for The Associated Press. Ben had a rare window into life inside the White House and the media who cover it – and he came away with plenty of memorable stories to share, too.
Ben is now a Partner at Mercury, a problem-solving global strategy firm, where he specializes in helping mission-driven organizations achieve their goals by sharpening their messaging.
Organizations that succeed do more than just communicate well – they make it easy for people to understand, pay attention, take interest and get motivated to act. That’s called breakthrough communications. And as simple as it sounds, it is harder than it looks.
Come learn tips of the trade from Ben, and enjoy a few stories, too.
This event is open to both nonprofit consultants and nonprofit leaders.
Zoom links will be sent from the ACN Zoom account a few days before the event with a reminder email sent the day before. Check your spam folders for the invitation if you do not see it in your inbox! Contact the ACN office if you need assistance - 312-94-4008.
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