They're Not A Frill If You're Using Them Right: How to Save Money and Get More Done Using High-Skill Volunteers

  • 10/11/2021
  • 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Virtual Webinar

They're Not A Frill If You're Using Them Right: How to Save Money and Get More Done Using High-Skill Volunteers

This workshop will help nonprofit agencies discover how to make the most of high-skill volunteers--those lawyers, public-relations specialists, accountants and other professionals who are increasingly interested in donating their expertise. We'll explore: how to identify major projects on which volunteers can be helpful; how to integrate them into those projects; how to smooth relations between staff and volunteers, and make paid personnel more effective in deploying and supervising their unpaid counterparts; when to consider volunteers for leadership positions, including the Board of Directors; and how to keep them motivated (using "The Big MAC approach") so you can truly rely on them.

Monday, October 11, 2021 | 10 am - 10:30 am CST

Free Webinar - Registration Required


Presenter: Kelly Kleiman, NFP Consulting

Kelly Kleiman, a lawyer educated at the University of Chicago, has spent more than 30 years in the nonprofit sector. She founded NFP Consulting in 1988 after serving as Executive Director of the Chicago Children’s Choir and Assistant Dean of IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law. Earlier in her career she practiced real estate and zoning law with the firm of Rudnick & Wolfe, now DLA Piper. Through her consulting practice Kelly helps nonprofits with fundraising, strategic planning, Board development and the use of high-skills volunteers. She also advises on issues of charity and philanthropy as The Nonprofiteer, Details at

ACN has partnered Nonprofit Learning Lab (NLL) to help serve the sector by providing quick, 30-minute webinars featuring ACN members. The Nonprofit Learning Lab is a national nonprofit that connects, supports and trains individuals in the nonprofit sector. NLL offers daily online nonprofit trainings. with workshops that focus on fundraising, board development, social media, marketing, volunteer management, and organizational leadership.

The Association of Consultants to Nonprofits | 400 E. Randolph St., #3115 | Chicago, IL 60601

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