How to Build an Effective Data Dashboard
Tuesday, May 9, 2023 | 10 am - 10:30 am CST
Free Webinar - Registration Required
All organizations need simple and effective ways to monitor their progress. Increasingly, nonprofits are turning to data dashboards to help them see how they are doing in relation to their goals, make course corrections, and plan for the future. A data dashboard is a tool that provides a centralized means of monitoring, measuring, analyzing, and extracting meaning from different datasets while displaying information in an interactive, intuitive, and visual way. In this workshop, we will explore seven key elements of effective data dashboards.
Participants will leave the session with a better understanding of the potential of data dashboards for their organization and how to build a data dashboard that staff will actually use for planning and for showing progress to board members, funders, and others.
Amelia Kahn
Data Viz for Nonprofits
Amelia Kohm, PhD, is the founder of Data Viz for Nonprofits and has more than 25 years of experience studying, funding, and evaluating human services. She did her data visualization training at the University of Washington and applied her data visualization skills in her research at Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, a child policy research center. Prior to Chapin Hall, she worked as a program officer at the Sears Roebuck Foundation and at the Illinois Humanities Council. She earned her BA from Haverford College, an MA from the School of Social Services Administration at the University of Chicago, and a PhD from the University of Bath.
ACN has partneredNonprofit Learning Lab (NLL)to help serve the sector by providingquick, 30-minute webinars featuring ACN members. The Nonprofit Learning Lab is a national nonprofit that connects, supports and trains individuals in the nonprofit sector. NLL offers daily online nonprofit trainings. with workshops that focus on fundraising, board development, social media, marketing, volunteer management, and organizational leadership.