William Myatt

Major Gift Solutions, LLC


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Major Gift Solutions, LLC
Founding Owner and CEO
Address Line 1
6321 N Artesian Ave
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Apt 1W
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Company Profile

Company Overview
MGS is a small consulting firm that specializes in fundraising for small non-profits (annual budgets less than $2 million). We provide direct fundraising services, including appeal correspondence, gift processing and acknowledgement, database management, major gift fundraising, grant-writing, board development, and any other activities related to driving fundraising success. Our mission is to drive philanthropic revenue for your organization, so that together we can make the world a better place.
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Practice Areas (select top 3)
  • Development/Fundraising

Speaker's Bureau Information

Speaker Bio
William Myatt, PhD is the Founding Owner of Major Gift Solutions, a nonprofit consultancy that helps small nonprofits drive philanthropic revenue and advance their missions. He is a trained academic theologian who studied himself out of an easy fit into any theological "system" and ended up raising money for nonprofits. Since moving from academia to fundraising in 2010, Bill has raised tens of millions of dollars for the nonprofits he has served.
Topic 1
Major Gifts for Small Nonprofits
Topic 1 Description
Like nonprofits of any size, small nonprofits depend on the significant revenue moments generated by what is called "major gifts." Bill can help your nonprofit understand the what, why, and how of major gift fundraising. A tip: it doesn't involve getting the phone number for Oprah Winfrey or Bill Gates. Nine out of ten times, the donors who can give you major gifts are already giving to your organization.
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